Tuesday, 17 October 2006

Last Post

Folks, this is a short lived Blog, because:

I've already been talked to once about my content and had to "edit" it. Today we had a briefing on Blogs "do's and don't" for the Army. It appears to be very subjective as to what is and isn't allowed, so to keep from violating some Army reg, policy, or wish of the commander, I will have this as my last post.

Any questions as to the restrictions placed upon us, please refer to:

I'll post when I get back and am back on "civilian" status. You will still be able to e-mail me from this site though and I'll answer when I can.

Take care and I'll do the same.


Monday, 16 October 2006

Fort Bragg

Well, I guess its time for an update:

My unit is at Ft Bragg now doing our train-up for the deployment. We spend our days in briefings, classes, out at different ranges firing a multitude of weapons.... firing weapons is always my favorite! The training is typical "Army," but we are making the best of it and keeping motivated. We all can't wait to get in-theater and start doing our jobs so we can get home.

Fort Bragg is very large, a pretty post with a lot of troops. The base shuttle goes everywhere but takes forever to get there, so I take a taxi most places I go off-duty. It costs a lot, but saves on the time, and our "personal time" is very limited so it is worth it.

We stay in a big open bay with bunkbeds and we all live together... oh how much fun that is. I really like the guys I'm with, but I wish we didn't stay in the WWII barracks, and yes they date back that far. Anyhow... I"ll have pics up soon of our plush living conditions and other events we've had going on.

During our time off, which is averaging one day off every nine days, I rent a hotel and get out of here... recharge my batteries so to speak. I lay on a king size bed, watch my history channel, news, whatever I want (we don't have a TV in the barracks), and turn the heat up (its been getting very cold here at night) and I just enjoy the break from "Army life."

We have had some fun times here too... a unit did a BBQ and invited my unit, that was fun, and I've gotten to the "Sports Bar" here on post a few times at night, so don't think its all training and no fun... we try very hard to enjoy ourselves... that is normal for soldiers.

Any who.... this is getting kinda long, but rest assured, we are training hard, getting prepared for the fight, so that we all can make a difference in theater and come home safe and sound.

I'll end this with the new Army motto:

"Army Strong," I know, don't laugh... we understand that as much as we understood the last one, "Army of one." L8R